Sword of hazrat muhammad pbuh biography
Hazrat muhammad pbuh urdu!
Sword of hazrat muhammad pbuh biography
The Prophet's Weapons and Furniture
The Prophet, peace be upon him, had nine swords. He inherited Ma'thur from his father, and it was the first sword he ever owned. He also possessed al-'Idhb and dhul-fiqhar or dhul-faqhar, which did not leave his sight.
Dhul-Fiqar had a hilt, circular guard, tuft, buckles and a base made of silver. He also had al-Qhal'ii, al-Battar, al-Hatf, ar-Rawb, al-Mukhdham and al-Qhadhib, which had a base made of silver and silver circular hand guards.
Sword of hazrat muhammad pbuh biography in urdu
The Prophet, upon whom be peace, acquired Dhul-Fiqar during the battle of Badr, and saw a dream about it{qluetip title=[1]}Allah said in Surah al-Fath [Al-Qur'an 48:27]:"Indeed Allah shall fulfil the true vision* which He showed to His Messenger in very truth.
Certainly, you shall enter al-Masjid al-Haram, if Allah wills, secure, some having your heads shaved, and others having your head hair cut short, having no fear. He knew what you knew not, and He granted