Saul steinberg artist biography

  • Saul steinberg artist biography
  • Saul steinberg artist biography facts.

    Saul steinberg artist biography

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  • Saul Steinberg


    Saul Steinberg (1914 -1999) was a masterful artist who relished his engagement with the visual world and post-war society in 20th century America. Although best known for his incisive wit and brilliant New Yorker drawings created over six decades, he moved across disciplines with assurance and ease, creating art for all manner of things, from wallpapers and fabrics to public murals, stage sets, and advertisements.

    Never satisfied with the limitations of a single evolving style or approach, he continued to reinvent himself throughout his long and prolific career in his collages, prints, paintings, and sculptures which are steeped in modernist styles and influences, filled with humor, and endowed with a fantastical and absurdist streak.

    Deeply rooted in New York, the artist’s home for fifty-seven years, Steinberg was born in 1914 in a small town in Romania to second and third generation Russian Jewish parents.

    Shortly after his birth the family mo