Jeremy staat cycle across america

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    Veterans' cross-country ride stops at Fort Jackson

    FORT JACKSON, S.C. -- Jeremy Staat and Wesley Barrientos would like to have your attention, please.

    The two veterans are biking across the nation, travelling 4,500 miles across 14 states in 100 days, to draw attention to health care challenges in the military.

    Last Thursday, the pair arrived at Fort Jackson, stopping at Post Headquarters on their way to Florence.

    "Every program needs awareness," said Carl Lopez, retired command sergeant major for Fort Jackson and president of the Military of Order of the Purple Heart in Columbia.

    Jeremy staat cycle across america

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  • Jeremy staat cycle across america route
  • "And if our system isn't working, it needs to come out. I respect what they're doing and I hope other communities come out and support them the best they can."

    Barrientos, who was with 101st Airborne Division, was wounded on three occasions during his three tours of Iraq.

    In 2007, he was severely wounded after his vehicle struck a roadside bomb. He lost both of his legs in the attack.

    "Jeremy and I are