Biography example grade 6
Grade 6 worksheets.
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Are you a class 6 student, parent or teacher , looking to create a bio sketch for class 6 for your upcoming exam? Look no further.
Biography example grade 6
In this blog post, we’ll provide you with everything you need to know about the format and structure of a bio sketch, as well as some fantastic examples.
Bio Sketch for Class 6 Format
When we write a description of a person we include all important aspects of the person.
Important Points
- Name
- Relationship to writer
- Social status/role/profession
- Appearance (looks; features; clothes; height; health)
- Characteristics of personality—qualities/attitude; way of walking/talking
- Opinion of others about him
- Any other relevant point (could be brought about by narrating an incident)
Physical Qualities
- build—slim, overweight, medium, petite, large, stocky, lanky, hefty, pear-shaped, thin etc.
height—tall, short, medium etc.
- Clothes/appearance—elegant, sloppy, well-tailored, ill-fi