St mary magdalene birth place crossword

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    St mary magdalene birth place crossword clue

    Greetings to all New York Timescrossword lovers!
    Today we are going to solve the crossword clue "Birthplace of a biblical Mary" ,After checking out all the recent clues we got the best answer below:

    Understanding Today's Crossword Puzzle

    The clue "Birthplace of a biblical Mary" is asking for the location where a biblical figure named Mary was born.

    The answer for this clue is "MAGDALA".

    1. "Birthplace" indicates that we need to find a location associated with someone's birth.

    2. "Biblical Mary" refers to a Mary mentioned in the Bible.

    St mary magdalene birth place crossword

  • St mary magdalene birth place crossword clue
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  • Birthplace san antonio
  • St mary magdalene birth place crossword puzzle
  • There are several Marys mentioned in the Bible, but we need to find the birthplace of one of them.

    3. The answer "MAGDALA" fits these criteria because it is the birthplace of Mary Magdalene, a prominent biblical figure.

    Mary Magdalene is mentioned in the New Testament as a follower of Jesus.

    According to the biblical accounts, she was from the town of Magdala, a fishing village situated on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee in modern-day