Stanley j sharpless biography books
Stanley j sharpless biography books in order
Stanley j sharpless biography books pdf.
It was the early 1950s, Sitting at my desk one morning overlooking Kingsway, London WC2, in the new and exciting Kodak Technical Publications Department, I looked up to see the chief editor coming over.
‘Just been in with Sharpless,’ he said. Stanley Sharpless was the ultimate big chief. ‘And he wants to see you.’ Something lurched inside me.
Stanley j sharpless biography books
What had I done?
He cleared his throat. ‘It’s something about – well, about your job.’ The lurch came again, a bit higher up. I had been in the department for about a fortnight, learning the job of writing instruction booklets for the company’s cameras, photographic materials and chemicals.
Heart thumping, I walked along the corridor to his impressive office.
But before we go any further – have you heard of Sharpless? Ever heard this?
“Cocoa – Cupid’s Nightcap” by Stanley J. Sharpless (poetry reading) …
Born in 1910 Sharpless had worked his way up from office boy to that position.
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