Life of crime elmore leonard
Life of crime britbox.
Elmore Leonard: the great American novelist
The best novelists create a world around the reader. You can feel it bubbling up in irrepressible invention.
Life of crime elmore leonard movie
So we have "a guy by the name of Booker, a twenty-five-year old super-dude twice convicted felon" in his Jacuzzi when the telephone rings. No one answers it, and Booker gets out of the Jacuzzi. At the other end of the line, a woman, Moselle, asks him to sit down.
When he does, she informs him that he's triggered a bomb in the chair – "when you get up, honey, what's left of your ass is gonna go clear through the ceiling".
Life of crime elmore leonard
The bomb-disposal boys arrive in their nonchalant way: "Booker said 'Another one goes hmmmmm. I'm sitting here on high explosives the motherfucker goes hmmmmm.'" Is there a bomb? They can see 10 sticks of dynamite underneath Booker.
But they can't see a fuse. And now Booker really needs to go to the bathroom, and one bomb-disposal guy is talking about his wife Phyllis's bad behaviour t