Salman al farisi biodata bts
Salman al farisi islam.
Salman al farisi biodata bts
Salman al-Farisi is known as the Imam, the Flag of Flags, the Inheritor of Islam, the Wise Judge, the Knowledgeable Scholar, and One of the House of the Prophet . These were all titles the Prophet gave him.
He stood fast in the face of extreme difficulties and hardships to carry the Light of Lights and to spread the secrets of hearts to lift people from darkness to light. He was a noble companion of the Prophet . He reported sixty of his sayings.
He came from a highly respected Zoroastrian family from a town near Ispahan.
One day while passing by a church, he was attracted by the voices of men praying.
Salman al farisi biodata bts english
Drawn by their worship, he ventured in and found it better than the religion of his upbringing. On learning that the religion originated in Syria, he left home, against his father's wishes, went to Syria and associated himself with a succession of Christian anchorites.
He came to know from them the coming of the last Prophet and the signs accompanying his advent. He then traveled t